Gene Keys Guidance
Getting Guidance in applying the Gene Keys in your life means a personalized process of multiple 1-on-1 live or video-call sessions.
Duration of each session: about 1.5 hours.
Main focus: getting the results you want for yourself, in the most tangible and practical way. Even if you don’t know what you want, there is a way to identify that, if you so desire.
These sessions are a combination of Coaching and Theta Healing® methods, taking into consideration your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile.

What can You get from the Gene Keys Guidance process?
Living at the Gift frequency in all the aspects of your Life, by going through each of the 11 Spheres in your Gene Keys Hologenetic Profile and learning how to apply them practically in Your life.

Considering the Activation (Purpose) Sequence:
- Know what to do and where to go in your life
- Become aware and use a practical way to overcome your challenges
- Consciously add that specific ingredient you need to feel good and have increased vitality by
- Connect with your true self and with who you truly are

Considering the Venus (Purpose) Sequence:
- Relate with others with joy and knowing the essence of all your relationships
- Heal and improve your sexuality
- Use your mind’s patterns in a constructive way for yourself and others and improve your way of thinking
- Manage your emotions with ease and take care of yourself emotionally
- Live out of love for yourself and others
- Treat yourself with kindness in any circumstance of your life

Considering the Pearl (Prosperity) Sequence:
- Being of service for yourself and others through win-win situations for all parties involved
- Take action from the role that best suits you and unlock your prosperity
- Communicate with ease and in an authentic way for you
- Live and act by what drives you and what truly motivates you
About my experience with the Gene Keys
- Been working with the Gene Keys since 2014
- Been doing Gene Keys readings and Guiding others since 2016
- Devoted 6 months exclusively to going through the Golden Path
- Participated in the Activation Sequence Course with Andrew Fretwell
- Participated at the Venus Sequence Retreat with Richard Rudd in October 2015
- Learned about Human Design with one of the best Human Design teachers in Romania
- The Gene Keys helped me with knowing who I am, improving my relationships and understanding others, get the courage to start my own business, find out and live my vocation and how to help others with their own Gene Keys journey